söndag 31 januari 2010

Magic 8-balls and how to rape Russia

The day has been spent horizontal, watching lame TV shows (how can you not love that?), f.e. Seinfeld and Cheers (filmed in front of a live studio audience). I did manage to drag my ass out in the cold, for a cup of coffee. Me and H as usual mostly discussed history, we made up some really disturbing metaphores involving Mongolia raping Russia in the nasty way (1237 a.d.).
Now I have grande plans on using my cooking skills to make a fabulous dinner (warm some tomato soup).
Also, I have recently discovered that I am one of those people who knows exactly what to do, thinks over her options thoroughly, just to do exactly the opposite. I find this to be the most annoying quality ever, but when I decide to change my habit...
So perhaps the only way to change this bad habit is to embrace it? Or just stop all decision making completely. A friend of mine once had all his decisions made by a "Magic 8-ball", and even though it was quite problematic when he asked if he could use the bathroom and got the answer "My reply is no", it occasionally worked quite well.

I think I will purchase a magic 8-ball, to use only in emergencies and life-changing desicions that has to be made. Then at least there's a possibility things will work out to my advantage.

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